Springtime Allergy Support

Are you suffering from Springtime allergies? 🌸

From itchy eyes to asthma, acupuncture can help! Acupuncture decreases pain and inflammation, supports the immune system, and regulates the body's histamine response to its various offenders.

The Liver’s pathway opens into the eyes. Allergens in the air can be challenging for many people. Itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion, chest pressure are some of the symptoms that can manifest in the Spring while the pollen count is high. This is a sign that immune system needs to be strengthened and that the Liver’s qi is potentially stuck or deficient.

In addition to acupuncture, we love to create custom-made herbal formulas and essential oil blends to enhance the effects of your treatment and to provide as-needed relief from your sniffles and sneezes. We create blends for patients based on their individual symptoms and presentations.

Consider a seasonal tune-up with acupuncture, herbal medicine and/or health coaching. We happily offer both of these services at Blue Heron. You don’t need to suffer through this season, schedule your visit today!


Men’s Health Support


Spring Health Support