Honor your innate beauty, get your glow back

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

As we age, the skin of our face becomes drier and thinner, and looses its elasticity. Our collagen production starts to slow down, the fat in our face descends, and the skin begins to sag and wrinkle.

The goal of Facial Rejuvenation is to bring the glow back to your face with a safe, effective and natural treatment. It works to bring blood and chi circulation back to your face to reduce inflammation. The needling stimulates collagen and elastin production, carrying nutrients back to your cells. This improves aging skin, facial scarring, dark spots, or deep expression lines, but it is not the only thing we can treat. People who have TMJ, jaw or tooth pain, Bell’s Palsy, and post-stroke asymmetry can also benefit from this treatment!

What to Expect

This 90-minute treatment includes an intake, pulse-taking, needling of your ears, feet, body and face, relaxing facial massage, gua sha and cupping to enhance your skin’s vitality, glow, healing, regeneration and lymphatic drainage as well as decrease discoloration and wrinkles. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose clothing and eating a normal breakfast/lunch or snack prior to your treatment.

During facial rejuvenation treatments, 8-12 small needles will be gently placed in your feet and body, and then tiny facial acupuncture needles will be used on your face and head. The needles placed in the face, head and ears are for stimulating muscles to lift up and imitate a facelift. All needles will be retained for about 20 minutes. After the acupuncture needles are removed, your treatment will include facial cupping and facial gua sha at no extra cost.

You should expect your face to be a bit pink after facial rejuvenation. Please note that facial cupping and gua sha is not meant to leave a mark on the face but it is possible for bleeding and/or bruising to occur.

This holistic approach honors your innate wellbeing, beauty and wisdom while helping you look and feel your best!

Contraindications for Treatment

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure

  • Problems with bleeding or bruising

  • Pregnancy

  • Hemophilia

  • Severe migraine headaches

  • Vertigo

  • Cancer

  • AIDS

  • Hepatitis

  • Seizure disorder/epilepsy

  • Botox treatments or dermal filler within the last 3 months (Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, etc.)

  • Facelift surgery within the last year

  • Cold or flu symptoms

  • Herpes outbreak/cold sores

  • Allergic reactions

  • Extreme tension or stress

  • Any skin issues such as poison ivy, eczema, hives, etc


Microneedling is an alternative to other invasive cosmetic procedures. This treatment stimulates the production of collagen and addresses skin conditions such as wrinkles and fine lines, acne, enlarged pores, and dark spots. It can even help with hair restoration. For hair loss, treatment can include the scalp, beard area, and/or eyebrows. Microneedling can be used to:​

  • Treat acne scars and rosacea

  • Reduce pore size

  • Treat fine lines

  • Improve firmness

  • Significantly enhance the absorption of serums

  • Restore hair growth (eyebrows, beard area, or scalp)

  • Reduce stretch marks on the body

  • And much more ...

What to Expect

This 60-minute treatment includes face, neck and décolleté using a microneedling pen. For hair loss, treatment can include the scalp, beard area, and/or eyebrows. 16 tiny needles are used to stimulate your skin's natural healing process and assist with collagen production.

Before your microneedling treatment, numbing cream will be applied to your face. While the numbing cream sets for 20 minutes, you will receive microneedling on the décolleté area. After the treatment, you will receive a complimentary post-treatment kit containing sample-size skin care products (valued at $30).​

**Please note that you will need to avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication, drinking alcohol, or taking fish oil tablets for three days prior to your microneedling treatment to help minimize bleeding.

After Care

After microneedling, your skin may be pink or red and feel warm like a sunburn, or tight and itchy. This typically subsides within 12-48 hours. Other side effects may include:

  • Minor flaking or dryness of the skin

  • Discomfort, bruising, swelling, or pinpoint bleeding may occur.

  • It is possible to have a cold sore flare if you have a history of outbreaks.

  • Freckles may lighten temporarily or permanently disappear in treated areas.

  • Infection is very rare, but if you see signs of tender redness or pus, please apply antibiotic ointment

  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) is very rare and usually resolves itself within a month

On the day of your treatment, we recommend avoiding exercise, sun, makeup, washing your face and anything that may irritate the skin. For 48 hours after microneedling, you should only use the post-treatment kit provided.

**Please note, it may take up to 2 weeks to see results.

Contraindications for Microneedling

  • Accutane within 6 months

  • Scleroderma

  • Collagen vascular disease

  • Rosacea flare-up

  • Blood clotting problems

  • Platelet abnormalities

  • Anticoagulation therapy (Warfarin, Coumadin)

  • Facial Cancer (past & present)

  • Chemotherapy

  • Steroid therapy

  • Dermatological diseases affecting the face

  • Untreated diabetes

  • Active bacterial or fungal infections

  • Cold sores (herpes simplex) flare-up at mouth

  • Immune suppression

  • Scar on face less than 6 months old

Treatments should not be administered:

  • Within 1 month of Botox or facial fillers

  • During pregnancy or nursing

Treatments are not recommended with:

  • Keloid or raised scarring

  • Eczema or psoriasis on the face

  • Actinic keratosis

Begin with us today.