Prepare for Restorative Sleep

How are you sleeping?

This is a question we ask our patients at almost every visit. To Chinese Medicine practitioners, it is such a travesty that anyone should go without restorative sleep at night. Sleep is so important for your mental and physical health - it’s the time for your body and spirit to cleanse, heal and recharge. When we can return to a state of yin and stillness, we prepare ourselves for balanced vitality and strength during the yang of day. In our stress-filled world, the need for adequate sleep is more important than ever.

Regular sleep deficiency is linked with an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, stroke, and even a shorter lifespan. Thankfully, there are natural and holistic ways to improve your sleep habits. Acupuncture can help with your sleep, but your evening routine is also key for falling and staying asleep. Start with one small change that you can stick with - consistency is key! You might find it helpful to write out your evening schedule and see where you can easily make changes.

Here are a few recommendations to try:

→ Eating an earlier and lighter dinner
→ Limit screen time & blue light before bed
→ Create a calming bedtime ritual with candles, reading, mediation or yoga
→ Make changes to your sleep environment
→ Take a warm bath or shower
→ Avoid amping up your brain before bed

Whatever you include in your bedtime routine, keep it relaxing and calming. Start your routine an hour before bed and try to stick to your bedtime even on weekends.

What do you want to incorporate into your bedtime routine?


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