Self-Care Reminder

This is your reminder to dedicate time for yourself this coming week!

It’s easy to stay busy all the time, jumping from one thing to the next without giving yourself any time for rest. Allowing yourself to pause on a daily basis, even just for 5 minutes, is important to reset and refresh your mind and body! Although it can sometimes feel challenging, self-care is a powerful tool to help you feel happier, less stressed and more energized.

Everyone’s “pause” may look different, here are a few ways you can practice self-care:
→ Take some deep breaths
→ Do some stretches
→ Spend 15 minutes reading
→ Meditate
→ Take a walk
→ Spend time in the sun
→ Journal your thoughts or write down 3 things you’re grateful for
→ Cook a new, nourishing recipe
Acupuncture, health coaching, NST or cupping appointment

What can you do just for you today?


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