Fall Fertility

Fall is the perfect time to focus on your fertility!

We love working with women who are trying to conceive because we have seen such great success with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and fertility coaching.

Trouble conceiving or sustaining pregnancy can take a huge emotional toll; you may experience grief, a sense of inadequacy or feeling betrayed by your own body, anger, anxiety, or depression. Fertility struggles are a world unto themselves because you often grieve for something that has yet to exist. We have seen over and over that a woman’s path to fertility is often her own healing journey.

Not only do we work with you to help you achieve your fertility goals, we support you as a whole person. This means offering a safe space for you to express your emotions about the process, accept yourself, ease self-criticism, process and let go of painful emotions, and soften into the experience.

Dedicating this time to yourself is an invitation to your healing and the unfolding of your fertility. Our team approach helps you feel your best physically, heal emotionally and recognize the beautiful essence of YOU. We offer the following comprehensive care to support your healthy fertility and pregnancy.

→ Acupuncture
→ Bodywork
→ Coaching
→ Nutrition
→ Resources

We know the struggle, we understand this grief, and you do not have to be alone in this journey. Whether you are trying to conceive on your own, preparing for Assisted Reproductive Techniques such as IVF and IUI, or just beginning to consider having a baby, we are here to help!

Visit our fertility page to learn more. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment, book online or contact us at (843) 937-6890.

Let us be your village 💙


Fertility Coaching Support


Our Immune First Aid Kit