Herbal Medicine Support

Herbal Medicine mirrors the treatment strategies we take with acupuncture, after evaluating your symptoms, considering your health history and developing a treatment strategy. Unlike western pharmaceuticals, it is not the prescription of one drug for one disease. 

Formulas are selected based on the patterns of disharmony you present to correct imbalances that could otherwise create longstanding issues. We choose herbs that guide to the area of the body where your symptoms are located, unblock the channels, decrease inflammation or warm areas impacted by cold (as applicable), increase circulation and strengthen your body’s systems and healing ability.

There are a few options when seeking out Chinese herbal medicine, it is up to your practitioner to decide what is the most appropriate for your condition. We use several different forms of herbs in our office including pills, granules and raw herbs.

Complementing your acupuncture treatment or used on its own, herbal medicine provides a way to improve your health and relieve symptoms you may be experiencing. Schedule your acupuncture appointment or herbal medicine consultation online or call us at (843) 937-6890.


Ghost Treatments


Featured Point: Small Intestine 4