Self-Care for Mental Health

Today is World Mental Health Day

Mental health matters every day but let’s take today to spread awareness, learn more about mental health, check in with ourselves and others, & practice self-care.

In today’s world, it can be difficult to make your mental health a priority, but it requires the same attention as other aspects of your life. With the everything that is going on in the world, it’s more important than ever! This is the perfect time to reassess how you prioritize and manage your mental well-being in the upcoming year.

Here are some of our favorite tips to boost your mental health:

  • Make social connection

  • Make time for your needs

  • Stay active

  • Celebrate your progress

  • Feel your feelings

  • Set boundaries

  • Eat real food

  • Prioritize sleep + Rest

  • Ask for support

  • Practice gratitude

  • Get an acupuncture treatment or have a health + wellness coaching session

    If you need support or someone to talk to, please know that we are always here for you.


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