Therapeutic Bodywork

Cupping, Gua Sha + Bodywork in Charleston, SC


Luxury Acupuncture + Bodywork

Luxury treatments are designed to be the ultimate relaxation and wellness experience, enhancing mind, body and spirit. For the bodywork portion, Dr. Lisa will choose the most applicable of cupping, gua sha, tui na massage and neurostructural integration technique to relax tight muscles, ease pain and settle your nervous system.



Cupping is unique in its use of counterpressure, lifting the skin and fascia and thereby releasing tension in the underlying muscles, to provide pain relief, decrease inflammation, increase circulation, unbind tight areas, open the acupuncture channels, and diffuse the lungs. Cupping therapy can be enjoyed as a stand-alone session or as part of your acupuncture treatment.


Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST)

Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST) is a gentle yet effective soft tissue release technique. This form of bodywork initiates a process of natural auto regulation to occur in the spinal column and consequently throughout the whole body. The resultant effect is comprehensive reorganization of the musculature of the body characterized by a lasting relief from pain and dysfunction, an increase in energy, and an unmistakable sense of wellbeing. NST treats the whole body and addresses every major muscle and joint system as well as affects organic, endocrine and autonomic nervous function.


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