Fall Immune Boost Remedies

Late summer and early fall are the perfect time to boost your immune system for the upcoming barrage of bugs that come with the colder weather. Here are some of our favorite remedies:

→ Acupuncture: While your treatment will be tailored to your individual needs, your acupuncturist may incorporate your Lung or Large Intestine channel (yin-yang pair) to give an immediate boost to your immune system upon request. For some, we may tonify your Kidneys, representing your deeper constitution, or use one of acupuncture's favorite points, Stomach 36, to give an overall boost to your energy and system.

→ Yu Ping Feng San: This herbal formula, "Jade Windscreen", strengthens your immune system, which prevents "wind" from blowing in viral, bacterial and fungal conditions.

→ Reishi: A powerful immune and cardiovascular tonic.

→ Vitamin C: Take daily as a preventative or higher dose when you feel you are coming down with something.

Speak with your acupuncturist or health provider to find the best fit for you. Schedule your next visit at the link in our bio or call (943) 937-6890. 🍁


Whole Body Healing


Welcoming Autumn