Essential Oils for the New Year

To be used alone or together; diffuse, smell, or place a diluted drop on the chest.

  • Frankincense – heal emotional wounds, let go, move the blood so emotions can be released

  • Pine – strengthen the will (to move forward into the new year as well as get motivated), open the chest and lungs

  • Patchouli – let go of ruminating thoughts and obsessive worries, let ourselves be transformed

  • Grapefruit – uplift, connect to childlike innocence (for fresh perspective to go hand in hand with a new year) — If making a blend, the addition of a top note like grapefruit will be nice to perk the blend up and activate it quickly

It’s a new year — but a change in calendar year will not magically transform how we feel or wash away the challenges we are facing in our everyday lives. Changes like this need to come from within! 

If you feel like you could benefit from extra support, call (843) 937-6890 to schedule a treatment. ❤️


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