Acupuncture + Herbal Medicine

Complementing your acupuncture treatment or used on its own, herbal medicine provides a way to improve your health on a daily basis. Rather than use single herbs (as is more common in western herbalism), Chinese herbalism combines several herbs to work synergistically together. Unlike western pharmaceuticals, it is not the prescription of one drug for one disease. Formulas are selected based on the patterns of disharmony you present to correct imbalances that could otherwise create longstanding issues.

There are a few options when seeking out Chinese herbal medicine, it is up to your practitioner to decide what is the most appropriate for your condition. Below are the differences between the ways herbs can be prepared and taken -

→ Nutrition: Many herbs are food grade, and what you eat is key in healing your body.

→ Pills: This form is easy to use and convenient. We carry brands that we have found to be very effective, most of which still offer you a slight taste of the herbs, which helps the herbs do their job. The flavors of herbs contribute significantly to their functions and directionality.

→ Granules: A popular option because they are easy to consume and digest while allowing your practitioner the option to create customized formulas or modify classical ones. Granules are pre-decocted herbs that are then mixed with a binder to form a powder [granule]. The powder is then added to hot water to drink. Although slightly more time-consuming to take than the pills, granules can provide faster and stronger results.

→ Raw: Raw herbal teas, or “soups”, require lengthy cooking at home and are a potent way to consume herbs and effect change. Raw herbs are added to a formula by weight, cooked together in water, and then strained before drinking. We do not use raw herbs as often due to their more time-consuming cooking but we do on occasion as they are a lovely way to connect with the herbs, engage one’s senses, create ritual, and strongly improve one’s health.

Book online or call us at (843) 937-6890 to schedule an acupuncture appointment or herbal medicine consultation today!


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