Acupuncture + Herbs for Allergies

Over the counter medicine not cutting it this allergy season?

While many are excited that the sunnier, warmer days mean getting outside and smelling the flowers, others are eyeing the yellow mist of pollen with trepidation. We’re here to help!

Acupuncture and Herbal medicine are great ways to naturally decrease symptoms of allergies, without causing drowsiness.

Herbal medicine is very effective at opening and strengthening your lungs to help ease the congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, and itchiness. Our practitioners at Blue Heron will take time to find the best formula for you and customize it to fit your specific needs.

Acupuncture helps by calming down the body’s response to the irritating pollen in the air.

Check back later this week for more tips to ease your allergy symptoms.

Call Blue Heron Acupuncture at (843) 937-6890 or schedule online to come in for an initial visit or a tune up during this high pollen time!


Ease Your Allergy Symptoms


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