Self-Care: Dry Brushing

Do you dry brush?

Dry brushing is an ancient practice that has been used across many different cultures to remove dead skin and increase circulation. It’s also one of our favorite self-care activities! Dry brushing along the related channels stimulates the immune and lymphatic systems. This facilitates your lungs’ detoxifying function via the skin and keeps other channels engaged and open. The skin is the largest organ in the body and plays a huge role in daily detoxification.

Benefits of dry brushing:
✔️Promotes lymphatic flow/drainage
✔️Boosts immunity
✔️Improves blood circulation
✔️Exfoliates the skin
✔️Reduces cellulite
✔️Boosts energy

1. Choose a brush with natural fibers.
2. Brush in long firm strokes moving in the direction towards your heart.
3. Begin at the feet and brush upwards.
4. Avoid brushing broken skin.
5. Take a shower after and follow with a moisturizer.

We hope you are able to dedicate some time to practice self-care this weekend, whatever that may be for you!

Check out our website, schedule an acupuncture appointment or book a health coaching session for more self-care tips! 


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