Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog

Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Season of the Earth Element

Chinese Medicine proposes that we will feel our best if we live according to the seasons. In the late Summer, it is the Earth element that is the most active, and also the most vulnerable.

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Lisa Abernathy Lisa Abernathy

8 Health Tips for Spring

In Chinese Medicine theory, spring is the time of year when the liver and gallbladder systems are most active. Here are 8 tips to support the health and optimal functioning of this organ pair.

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recipes, fall, nutrition, winter Lisa Abernathy recipes, fall, nutrition, winter Lisa Abernathy

Winter In Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine, winter is a time of reflection and rejuvenation, to slow down and conserve energy. Winter is an opportunity to focus on the health and spirit of the kidneys, which are the center of energy in the Chinese Medicine system. It is a time to nourish your body and boost the kidney energy with self-care.

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recipes, fall, nutrition Lisa Abernathy recipes, fall, nutrition Lisa Abernathy

Acupuncture + Asthma

We do incredible work helping people with asthma and other respiratory conditions. As always, we put on our detective hats to investigate the root cause and help the individual shift to greater wellness. It’s phenomenal to see how quickly and greatly people typically experience improvement, even those who are used to using multiple medications each day.

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