Boost + Support Your Blood

Blood deficiency is a common occurrence in women, especially those who are menstruating or following a vegan/vegetarian diet. It can cause dizziness, numbness, dryness (skin, hair, nails), chronic muscle tightness, eye issues, poor memory, palpitations, menstrual and fertility problems, and so much more!

Our favorite ways to support and boost blood are through lifestyle changes, herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments. Health coaching sessions are a great way to help you incorporate new habits into your daily life with the least amount of stress possible.

Here are some of our favorite ways to supplement the blood:

  • Fruits and veggies that nourish the blood: Fruits and veggies that are naturally red into your diet (cherries, grapes, figs, dates, peaches, raspberries, beets, tomatoes), leafy greens, broccoli, zucchini, parsnips

  • Boost your blood with meat: Red meat (especially beef, lamb, bison), chicken, liver, eggs, bass, eel, octopus

  • Other foods: Oats, beans (adzuki, pinto, lima), seeds (sesame, flax), peanuts

  • Cooking with a cast-iron skillet is a great way to boost blood and iron

  • Eating warm, cooked foods also helps with digestion and makes it easier for your body to produce blood

  • Be careful not to work out too hard or sweat too much and make sure that you increase your water intake with workouts

  • Ask your practitioner how Chinese herbal medicine can be beneficial to address specific symptoms and correct imbalances


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