What is Moxibustion?

In an acupuncture clinic, you may notice an earthy, smoky smell coming from the treatment rooms. This smell is produced by a process called moxibustion (often called Moxa), where an herb called mugwort (ai ye) is burned either directly or indirectly on the skin to provide warmth and other therapeutic benefits.

Moxa can be used for many conditions and in various ways. Commonly, it is used for arthritic conditions, chronic pain and stiffness, digestive issues and even turning a breech baby in the last trimester of pregnancy. 🤰🏻🙌🏽

This gentle warming technique can feel very nice and is a great way for your practitioner to help nourish your body. Though this technique involves burning herbs near or on the body, your practitioner takes great care to make sure you do not become burned during the process. Communication during the treatment is required to tell your practitioner when you begin to feel warmth and if it is getting too warm.

In some cases, your practitioner may even recommend performing moxibustion on yourself at home to carry out the benefits of treatment between sessions. Your acupuncturist will teach you how to carry out the treatment safely and effectively on yourself. This is a great way to bring a little bit of Chinese medicine home with you!

To schedule a treatment with one of our practitioners, schedule online or give us a call at (843) 937-6890.


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