Acupuncture + Women’s Health

At Blue Heron, we believe that when it comes to Women’s health, ALL women matter. From birth to your last breath, you should feel supported when it comes to your health. So much of women’s healthcare is centered around your “fertile” years, however, the years leading up to and after are just as important.

The transition for women from menstruating to peri-menopause and menopause can be difficult both mentally and physically. It is widely known that symptoms such as hot-flashes are common among those transitioning, but it doesn’t have to be something you suffer through, it should be graceful!

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help make this process smoother and reduce the severity and frequency of symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, vaginal dryness, poor sleep and more. In Chinese medicine, a woman's transformation into this part of life is revered as a time of great wisdom, and a time we should be looking to these women for support and guidance.

Patterns typically seen for peri/menopausal women are blood and or yin deficiency, due to years of monthly bleeding. With factors such as diet, lifestyle, pregnancy, delivery and breast-feeding, women may not be replenishing what we bleed, leaving us with a deficiency over time. Due to this trend towards a blood deficiency, as women age and hit menopause it can become a prominent cause of the symptoms.

Make an appointment with one of our talented Acupuncturists to take aging with grace into your own hands!


Welcome Sarah


Playing With Fire