Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog
Acupuncture for Your Littles
Did you know acupuncture isn’t just for adults? It's a gentle, natural way to support children's health and help them thrive, too! Whether it's managing stress, improving sleep, boosting immunity, or helping with digestion, acupuncture can be a safe and effective tool for little ones.
Men’s Fertility + Acupuncture
When it comes to fertility, the focus often lands on women, but men play an equally crucial role in the journey to parenthood. If you’re looking to optimize your reproductive health, acupuncture might just be the holistic solution you need.
Celebrating Women
March is Women’s History Month. We want to honor all the amazing women out there by sharing information, tips and resources to support women’s health and wellbeing through all stages of life.
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
Pumpkin, the trendiest of Fall’s bounty, is so incredibly healing. It’s full of beta-carotene which converts to Vitamin A in our bodies. Enjoy this delicious pumpkin muffin recipe, best served warm with a hot cup of tea!
Nurture Your Body. Calm Your Mind.
We offer comprehensive wellness services including acupuncture, neuromuscular integration technique, fertility coaching, health + wellness coaching, herbal medicine and bodywork + massage.
Acupuncture + Women’s Health
At Blue Heron, we believe that when it comes to Women’s health, ALL women matter.
Holistic Medicine for Men’s Health
We have been talking a lot about women’s health recently, but men benefit from acupuncture and holistic medicine, too! It’s a huge misconception that acupuncture is only for women.
Happy Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month. We want to honor all the amazing women out there by sharing information, tips and resources to support women’s health and wellbeing through all stages of life.
Warm pumpkin smoothie
Chinese medicine recommends warm and cooked foods in general to stoke your digestive furnace, fuel your metabolism, transform fluids (think bloating, puffiness, water retention and loose stools) and strengthen your body’s ability to produce Qi and blood from the food you eat.
Moxibustion – A note from Nicole LaFountain L.Ac
If you’ve been to an acupuncture clinic before, you may have noticed on occasion an earthy, smoky smell coming from the treatment rooms. This smell is produced by a process called moxibustion, where mugwort (ai ye) is burned either directly or indirectly on the skin to provide warmth and other therapeutic benefits.
Back to the Basics: What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of holistic health that has been successfully used to treat a variety of conditions for thousands of years. Using specific acupuncture points, which appear to relate to minute nerve endings, along meridians (channels or pathways) of the body, we are able to affect the electrical, nervous and neurotransmitter systems of the body, thereby enhancing…