Beat the Winter Blues

Beat the Winter Blues and Find Your Happy Place with Acupuncture ✨

This time of year can bring up emotional issues, such as depression, fatigue, or lack of motivation. The change of seasons can trigger “seasonal depression” or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which are depressive symptoms that show up at the same time each year. This can occur when days are shorter and less sunlight is present.  If you tend to feel down this time of year, acupuncture can help! 

Acupuncture can help increase serotonin, combat fatigue, help regulate emotions and ease any associated symptoms. Points along the scalp and ear are especially powerful to promote mental clarity and treat mood disorders, while points on the feet grounds an anxious mind. Some points, like Yin Tang, can help the body adjust to the circadian rhythms of the season, which includes time changes and lack of daylight. Winter is the time of the Kidneys, the organ which energetically relates to willpower and stores our vital life force energy- Qi. Oftentimes, points along the Kidney channel are used for those who struggle with motivation, depression, and poor energy this time of year.

If the darker days are getting you down, consider incorporating routine acupuncture to help support the body's natural resources while managing stress and emotions that may arise during this time of year. Book your appointment online or call us at (843) 937-6890 to schedule!


Year of the Yin Water Rabbit


Wintertime Nourishment