Year of the Yin Water Rabbit

Lunar New Year 2023: Yin Water Rabbit
And here we have hope:
pale, fresh-faced, inquisitive
Raising its brisk nose to scent out
amongst the fields.
Seeking life, sustenance.
It is brave, resilient, knowledgeable
of the cycles and that which breeds life.
Yet cautious as much as it is curious,
this hope will leap back to the safety
of dark burrows at the hint of threat.
It has not forgotten what its mother taught it:
That survival is moving forward,
and it is quick and bright,
but so is the fox.
So let its foraging take shape
and momentum.
And know the underworld
is the other side of existence
and will provide shelter from the
thunder that is to come.

As we enter this lunar new year and we all continue to navigate the new normal, we hope we can continue to help you feel healthy and renewed this year.

Not sure which practitioner or treatment is the best fit for you? Give us a call at (843) 937-6890 or email and we'll help you find the right match!


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