Holistic Care for Your Little Ones

✨ Chinese Medicine for your little ones! ✨

Children can greatly benefit from acupuncture and typically improve very quickly!

We take things at a pace that is comfortable for you and your child. Most children find acupuncture (or non-needle techniques) calming and enjoyable – they often love telling their friends and classmates about it!

Commonly treated ailments include digestive issues, trouble sleeping, headaches, asthma, eczema, rashes, colds and flus, ear infections, bedwetting, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, teething pains, growing pains, and moodiness or other emotional disturbances.

If you are thinking that your child could benefit from some extra support, consider scheduling a children’s Chinese medicine consultation with Dr. Rachel or Dr. Jenna. They use non-insertive techniques, so no needles necessary, cupping, gua sha, acupressure, shonihari, as well as diet and lifestyle recommendations.

All children can benefit from these treatments but especially during this time of year!


We are also loving our children's essential oil kids this time of year! All of our blends are mixed and diluted in house, safe, easy to use, and very effective in nurturing your child’s most common ailments.

Our children’s essential oil kit includes our fever reducer, immune booster, tummy tamer, spirit soother, and our ear and head opener. Oils are also sold individually and instructions for safe use are included.

Schedule online or call us at (843) 937-6890 for more information!


Expressing Gratitude


Microneedling Treatment