Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog

Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Acupuncture for Your Littles

Did you know acupuncture isn’t just for adults? It's a gentle, natural way to support children's health and help them thrive, too! Whether it's managing stress, improving sleep, boosting immunity, or helping with digestion, acupuncture can be a safe and effective tool for little ones.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Holistic Care for Your Little Ones

If you are thinking that your child could benefit from some extra support, consider scheduling a children’s Chinese Medicine consultation with Dr. Rachel or Dr. Jenna. Children can greatly benefit from acupuncture and typically improve very quickly!

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Pediatric Acupuncture

Most children find acupuncture (or non-needle techniques) calming and enjoyable – they often love telling their friends and classmates about it!

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