Reflecting on the Metal Element

Here at Blue Heron, we have been reflecting on gratitude, mindfulness, community and grace. Fall is the season of the Metal element in Chinese Medicine - one of refinement, appreciation and letting go. It can be a beautiful though a tough season to venture through when that letting go doesn’t come so easily or when one feels lonely despite the surrounding cheer.

Reflecting on the Metal element can ease difficulties and enhance joy during the holiday weeks. This element, encompassing the Lungs and Large Intestine, focuses on breathing and eliminating. Are you breathing deeply? If not, try some breathing exercises. Are your bowels moving smoothly? If you’re feeling constipated, add some psyllium husks and abdominal massage to your routine.

This element manifests in the emotional and mental realms as well as the physical. As we breathe in, we embrace inspiration, fresh perspective and new life. As we exhale, we practice letting go of that which isn’t serving us. The dropping leaves and temperatures invite us to become more quiet and gaze at our world more slowly. Take a walk and reflect on the ways in which the decay of the season invites new life come Spring.

Questions to consider as we move more deeply into the dark, cold months of the year: What in your life brings you joy? What areas call for refinement? What baggage are you ready to release? What wounds would you like to heal?

Check out some of our favorite gentle movement and meditations to help you move through the season. If you’re looking for support through acupuncture, herbal medicine, health coaching or bodywork, you can schedule online or call us at (843) 937-6890.


Emotional Self-Care for Fall + Winter


Every Day Gratitude