Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog

Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Summer Teacher Appreciation

This Summer, we want to celebrate, honor and thank teachers. As a way to support their health and well-being, we are offering 25% off Initial Acupuncture appointments scheduled through August 15th 2024.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Expressing Gratitude

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, let’s take a moment to discuss gratitude. Writing in a gratitude journal is one of our favorite tools to keep track of all the reasons to be thankful.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Oils for the Metal Element

The Metal blend supports your lungs and large intestine, and encourages inspiration, gratitude, letting go and transformation.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, cope with stress, relish good experiences, sleep better, enhance empathy, deal with adversity and build stronger relationships.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

20-Minute Walking Meditation

A walking meditation is an especially great practice for those who feel stress and worry and have trouble shifting a negative state of mind to one that is positive. Your 20-minute meditative walk can be done anywhere.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

End of the Year Ritual

As you are setting new intentions and goals, we encourage you to take some time to reflect on what you have learned. You can do this ritual at the end of each week, month or quarter!

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Reflecting on the Metal Element

Here at Blue Heron, we have been reflecting on gratitude, mindfulness, community and grace. Fall is the season of the Metal element in Chinese Medicine - one of refinement, appreciation and letting go.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Every Day Gratitude

Studies have shown that people who live with a sense of gratitude tend to be happier, form healthier relationships, and maintain better mental and physical health overall.

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