Spring + Liver Qi

Spring has arrived!

This time is all about growth. 🌱 In Chinese medicine, the organ associated with spring is the Liver. Spring is about new growth, movement, upward motion, all the same things the Liver controls and performs in the body. After a long winter's nap, our bodies are beginning to wake up, our energy is improving, and the days are getting longer. This is when we are leaving the most yin part of the year and entering into yang energy.

Yang is associated with fire, movement, warmth; it's what propels us forward and gets us through our day, which is why it’s associated with the bustling Spring and Summer months. During this time, you may notice feelings of restlessness or irritability start to rise, along with more energy. Coming into spring is like your alarm going off in the morning; many of us are slightly grumpy and want to sleep just a little longer. The transition from winter to spring can feel like going from sleeping to waking, it can be a little painful in the beginning, but after you get up and start moving, you perk up.

You can make this transition a little smoother by moving your Liver Qi!

  • Start moving your body more and get outside in the nice weather

  • Add more fresh greens to your meals: dark, leafy greens contain magnesium that helps move you Liver qi

  • Spend at least one minute of your day performing belly/deep breathing

  • Add lemon or apple cider vinegar to your water in the morning and drink green tea

  • Schedule acupuncture, massage, NST or health + wellness coaching

Although we are exiting the hibernation period winter, don’t forget to leave time for yourself to relax and replenish, as our bodies work best on a balance of both yin and yang behaviors.

Are you interested in learning more or ready to schedule your appointment? Book online or contact us at (843) 937-6890.


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