Summer Anxiety + Anxiety

We have noticed a pattern of increased anxiety as we move into August. Stress and tensions are running high while we attempt to plan for new chapters in our lives amidst such great unknowns.

In Chinese Medicine, the season of Summer brings passion and joy and a desire to be more social. Not being able to express this element fully can contribute to that anxiety. If you are searching for a way to calm these feelings, consider pursuing some active daylight movement. Try to get out and experience nature. Seek out activities that will open your lungs and calm your heart.

If you feel that you are stuck in a place of heightened anxiety and stress that you cannot escape through deep breathing, exercise or nature, you may be suffering from trauma. Trauma can create a holding pattern in your body, forcing you to live in a state of elevated sympathetic nervous system -- fight or flight.

Acupuncture related to trauma is so effective because it allows us to work from a physical place to release tensions, ease emotions, and help break this pattern.

To learn more about how we treat anxiety and trauma, visit our website or schedule an appointment.


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