Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog

Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Ghost Treatments

There are times when something comes over you - a veil between you and the rest of the world. It may feel that suddenly you just aren’t yourself. In this case, you may benefit from a ghost treatment!

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Summer Anxiety + Anxiety

In Chinese Medicine, the season of Summer brings passion and joy and a desire to be more social. Not being able to express this element fully can contribute to that anxiety.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Featured Point: Pericardium 7

Pericardium 7 (PC-7), the earth point on this fire channel, helps to calm anxiety while opening tightness that may be constricting this channel, and therefore our hearts. Connecting to the earth element, it brings grounding to our fire, our desire for connections with others and our passions.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Welcome Sarah

Sarah is a licensed acupuncturist with a master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts in Asheville.

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