Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog
Ghost Treatments
There are times when something comes over you - a veil between you and the rest of the world. It may feel that suddenly you just aren’t yourself. In this case, you may benefit from a ghost treatment!
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Putting boundaries in place helps you become more self-aware, improve relationships, take better care of yourself, learn to say ‘no’, establish better work life balance, and feel more fulfilled and less stressed. In order for boundaries to be successful, you have to get really clear on what is important to you and why you are setting the boundary.
Protect Your Mental Health over the Holidays
While the holidays can be a time filled with love and joy, for many people it can also be bittersweet, bringing up a host of emotions including a renewed sense of isolation, loneliness, longing and grief.
Establishing Boundaries
Putting boundaries in place helps you become more self-aware, improve relationships, take better care of yourself, learn to say ‘no’, establish better work life balance, and feel more fulfilled and less stressed.