Protect Your Mental Health over the Holidays

While the holidays can be a time filled with love and joy, for many people it can also be bittersweet, bringing up a host of emotions including a renewed sense of isolation, loneliness, longing and grief.

Although no suggestion, list or insight is going to take away the pain and struggle, here are a few ideas to help you support your mental health during the holidays:

→ Give yourself permission to say no: Don’t be afraid to say no to parties, family requests, a drink - whatever you need to do to feel comfortable and less stressed. Prioritize the most important activities or schedule get-togethers for after the holidays.
→ Nourish your body: Eat nourishing foods, especially a breakfast with protein, fiber and healthy fats. Stay hydrated, keep up with your regular exercise and get some sunlight when you can.
→ Make time for self-care and get plenty of rest: Even though the holidays are busy, do something every day to protect your mental, emotional and physical health. Listen to your body, honor your needs and never feel guilty for embracing time for self-care. Come see us for an acupuncture treatment to support your nervous system and emotional wellbeing.
→ Consider taking a break from social media: During the holidays, social media can bring up difficult emotions so be mindful of how it makes you feel and take a break if needed.
→ Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness as you would give a friend. Be extra gentle with yourself and remember that this is your journey, you get to choose how you feel and what you need.

This holiday season, we want you to know that you are not alone 💙


Bieler’s Broth (also called Trace Mineral Broth)


Expressing Gratitude