Ghost Treatments

Are You Affected by Other People’s Energies?

There are times when something comes over you - a veil between you and the rest of the world. It may feel that suddenly you just aren’t yourself. Any “entity”, be it a psychological condition, fungal or bacterial infection, parasite, or being affected by someone else’s energy, can be considered a “ghost” — yes we said ghost . It’s psychological baggage that dulls your senses and disconnects you from yourself.

In this case, you may benefit from a ghost treatment! A ghost treatment is a very simple treatment that serves to clear the fog that’s weighing you down and open you back up to the world and your self. The treatment uses points that fall under the category of “ghost points” - points specific for these conditions, to help release these energies and open your senses so you can experience the world clearly.

If this sounds like you, give us a call or schedule an acupuncture appointment to calm stress and anxiety, strengthen your energetic boundaries, and get you back to feeling like yourself.


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