Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog
Principles of a Spring Diet
This time of year, our wood element is most active, and its corresponding organ pair, Liver and Gallbladder, need extra love and care. To keep your liver and gallbladder clear, keep your diet light and include foods that emphasize the yang, ascending, and regenerative qualities of spring.
Why We Love Cupping
We love cupping, it is one of our favorite forms of bodywork! It involves momentarily placing fire into glass cups so that the heat creates suction when they are subsequently placed on the skin.
Cupping Therapy Benefits
Cupping is one of our favorite forms of bodywork! It involves momentarily placing fire into glass cups so that the heat creates suction when they are subsequently placed on the skin.
Cupping - Why we love it!
Cupping is one of our favorite forms of bodywork! It involves momentarily placing fire into glass cups so that the heat creates suction when they are subsequently placed on the skin. We love performing this service in conjunction with acupuncture, or as a stand-alone treatment.
Your Liver + Spring
As we move into Spring, we acupuncturists begin to see more involvement of the Liver in patients’ health patterns. Coupled with the Gall Bladder to represent the Wood element, the Liver manifests creativity, direction, justice and vision.