Acupuncture for Your Littles

Did you know acupuncture isn’t just for adults? It's a gentle, natural way to support children's health and help them thrive, too! Whether it's managing stress, improving sleep, boosting immunity, or helping with digestion, acupuncture can be a safe and effective tool for little ones.

Acupuncture empowers your child’s body to heal itself. By boosting their natural energy, they can stay healthier and happier in a drug-free way. Dr. Jenna uses non-insertive techniques (so no needles necessary), cupping, gua sha, acupressure, shonihari, as well as diet and lifestyle recommendations.

The best part? Kids respond quickly to treatment!

Commonly treated ailments include digestive issues, trouble sleeping, headaches, asthma, eczema, rashes, colds and flus, ear infections, bedwetting, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, teething pains, growing pains, and moodiness or other emotional disturbances.

If your child could benefit from some extra support, consider scheduling a children’s Chinese medicine visit with Dr. Jenna.


Ghost Treatments


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