Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog
Self-Care Reminder
It’s easy to stay busy all the time, jumping from one thing to the next without giving yourself any time for rest. Allowing yourself to pause on a daily basis, even just for 5 minutes, is important to reset and refresh your mind and body!
Prepare for Restorative Sleep
Sleep is so important for your mental and physical health - it’s the time for your body and spirit to cleanse, heal and recharge. When we can return to a state of yin and stillness, we prepare ourselves for balanced vitality and strength during the yang of day.
Yin Energy of Winter
The Yin energy of winter is a great time to pause, self reflect, and slow down. Yin energy represents rest and more inward energy. It’s important to take some time to rest and look inward during this time.
Winter Self-Care
Right now, we are in the best season to reflect on our health, conserve our energy, and build our strength. Support your mind, body and spirit with these ideas for self-care this season.
Happy Winter Solstice
Chinese Medicine is rooted in nature. Winter, the most yin time of year, gives us the chance to slow down, turn inwards, be introspective, and heal ourselves by nourishing with deep rest, food and meditation.
Protect Your Mental Health over the Holidays
While the holidays can be a time filled with love and joy, for many people it can also be bittersweet, bringing up a host of emotions including a renewed sense of isolation, loneliness, longing and grief.
Winter Rest + JOMO
Chinese Medicine is rooted in nature. In the winter, nature slows down, and hibernates. We must take the hint from nature and realize that we, too, must slow down.