Winter Self-Care

Chinese Medicine proposes that we will feel our best if we live according to the seasons. In the Winter, it is our Water that shines! Right now, we are in the best season to reflect on our health, conserve our energy, and build our strength. The stillness of nature calls us to bring our energy inward, be patient and introspective.

Support your mind, body and spirit with these ideas for self-care this season:

1. Eat kidney-nourishing meals + in-season produce
2. Slow down + get plenty of rest, set boundaries
3. Regulate the nervous system with meditation, yin yoga and find a wellness routine that doesn't exhaust your body
4. Stay hydrated
5. Protect your neck
6. Treat yourself to acupuncture, massage, cupping or health coaching

If you’re looking for support to make diet and lifestyle adjustments to live according to the seasons, schedule an acupuncture, herbal medicine or health coaching session today! (843) 937-6890


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