Year of the Water Tiger

Happy Lunar New Year! The year of the Yang Water Tiger begins February 1st. We are coming out of three years that have been Water and Metal heavy. We don't need to tell you: the past two years especially have been unique beyond words. They have taxed us, scared us and stripped us down to the bone. At the same time, they have honed our focus on our priorities and values, encouraged slowness and stillness in ways many of us have never experienced before. Fear (water) and grief (metal) were a part of daily life for many. Yet within these elements, there exists great potential for wisdom, gratitude, and inspiration.

2021, an Earth Metal year, was all about integration - diving deep into the values we had discovered were most important to us. Now in 2022, we move into a Water Tiger year. The tiger represents the Wood element, embodied by strength, power, confidence and decisive action. This year is an opportunity to see anew, to implement our new priorities and strategies. We begin to move out of the more yin elements of the past years and embrace wood dynamics: vision, momentum, creativity, perception, strength, renewal, growth, justice and change.

The Water element tied to 2022 means we may carry with us some of the fear, existential angst and trauma we experienced during the pandemic. Find your support network and get the care you need to heal your body, heart and mind. When you do, your spirit will reside in the strengths of Water: wisdom, flexibility, endurance and connection to your essence. Let your Tiger energy and movement emanate from this place. Wood energy that germinates from the resources and depth of Water is rooted, honorable, directed with clear vision and powerful. May this be a year to create the life you want to live - one that is true to your essence, honors your values, upholds justice and empowers great contributions.

As we enter this lunar new year and we all continue to navigate the new normal, we hope we can continue to help you feel healthy and renewed this year.

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