How to Reset After the Holidays

Returning to normalcy after the holidays with friends, family and way too much food can seem almost impossible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s totally normal! The habits and routines that you have throughout the year are much more important! You don’t need to be perfect 💙

Check out these 6 simple tips to help you reset and feel your best after the holidays -

1. Prioritize sleep: Sleep gives your body and mind much needed time to rest and recharge. Aim for at least 8 hours per night, limit screen time and create a relaxing evening routine.
2. Plan meals: Plan ahead for nourishing weekly meals to take away some of the stress and anxiety associated with getting back on track with your diet.
3. Stay hydrated: Your body requires ample amounts of water. Having a glass of water first thing in the morning helps rehydrate your body and fuels your brain for the day.
4. Dedicate time for self-care: Make time to do something for your mental, emotional and physical health EVERY DAY. Listen to your body, honor your needs and never feel guilty for embracing time for self-care.
5. Focus on 1-2 goals per week: You don’t need to change everything immediately! Choose a few goals to focus on each week - keep them small and realistic.
6. Give yourself grace: Ease back into your routines and don’t stress if it takes a little longer than you expect. Treat yourself with the same kindness as you would give a friend. Be extra gentle with yourself and remember that this is your journey, you get to choose how you feel and what you need.

Are you looking for support as we enter the New Year? Our services are designed to help you implement supportive habits, self-care practices, mindset routines and provide the extra emotional support you’re looking for on your health journey. When you’re ready, send us an email or schedule an appointment online.


Principles of a Winter Diet


Welcoming in 2024