Illuminate Your Life: a chinese medicine blog

Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Summer Hydration

Did you know that staying hydrated can boost your energy levels, keep your skin glowing, and help you stay focused and sharp? Staying well hydrated is one of the simplest forms of self-care, and it's especially important during the summer heat!

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Fertility Support for Spring

Spring is the time of year for new activity and growth, fresh starts, rebirth, and renewal. It is also a wonderful time to put some extra focus on your fertility.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

How to Reset After the Holidays

Returning to normalcy after the holidays can seem almost impossible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s totally normal! Check out these 6 simple tips to help you reset and feel your best after the holidays

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Wintertime Nourishment

Winter is a yin time of the year. A time to nourish our bodies, minds, and spirit. A time for storage and repair.

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

End of the Year Ritual

As you are setting new intentions and goals, we encourage you to take some time to reflect on what you have learned. You can do this ritual at the end of each week, month or quarter!

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Ally Fowler Ally Fowler

Every Day Gratitude

Studies have shown that people who live with a sense of gratitude tend to be happier, form healthier relationships, and maintain better mental and physical health overall.

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